Leadership Wisdom from Horses
Tips for Personal and Professional Success
Leadership Wisdom from Horses
Even if you have never touched the soft coat of a horse, yet are drawn to their beauty and elegance, you will enjoy this book.
Short stories about communication, respect, trust and leadership, from the many years of experience with horses and humans, provide the reader, with valuable inputs for both personal and professional success.
Beautiful pictures of wild horses in Bosnia-Herzogowina and inspirational quotes accompany each story.
ISBN 978-3-033-05018-1, 54 pages (English version is only available as an ebook on Amazon)
Book Excerpt
From the section "Respect".
Your Own Needs
Respect towards a horse begins with respect towards ourselves. What does this mean? It means giving our own needs and feelings the same attention as those of other people. When we grow up, we are often taught to suppress our own needs and feelings – in order to be recognized and valued by our family and later by our community.
Thus, many times a subconscious fear of what others may think of us drives our behavior. It prevents us from communicating our needs and setting boundaries to protect them. Paradoxically, we are more respected by others, including horses, when we are able to set and communicate clear boundaries. We also feel better about ourselves because we have stood up for our needs and done what was right for us.
What are the consequences – when we do not have enough self-respect, when we don’t go after our own needs? We feel frustrated and angry inside because we are not doing what we want to. We can get really upset because we often end up in situations that could have been avoidable if we had said “no” in the first place.
“Only people who really know and respect themselves – are willing to stand up for their own needs and well-being.”