Increasing your Self-Awareness

Entdecke was du alles erreichen kannst,

wenn die Beziehung zu deinem Pferd an erster Stelle ist.

The relationship between a human and a horse is something very special. It can open the door to a world you knew nothing about if you are willing to approach your horse with an open heart and see it as a sentient being in its own right. How can such a relationship be built so that your horse willingly wants to be with you and is motivated? What qualities do you need have or be willing to learn? I have had the privilege of building such a relationship with my horses and grateful for all the beautiful moments that we experience together.

I am happy to work with you and your horse at your stables or you can a attend a workshop with your horse (in German, but also available in English upon request).

Next workshops: March 31 or July 6 - Communication / April 1 and July 7 - Leadership (see details below)

Better Relationship through Better Communication

Your horse has a lot to say, once you begin to listen to it. The nonverbal dialog already begins when you first see and approach your horse in the stables or on the pasture.

I help you become more aware of what you are communicating on the mental, emotional and physical level by observing how your horse responds to you. This gives you the opportunity to change something in the way you communicate. 

Course details

It's Easy to Lead Horses

If you want to lead in such a way that your horse follows you of its own accord, you need to be aware of what your horse needs from you at any given moment. For example, if your horse becomes nervous, it may need more time and patience from you to get used to something new. If it starts to change gait, you need to respond quickly to set a boundary. This type of situational leadership requires you to sense where your horse is at mentally, emotionally and physically in any given moment.

The result is that your horse allows you to lead it.

Course details
Junge mit Pferd


Riders are often still encouraged to "leave their problems at home," which inevitably leads riders of all skill levels to be repeatedly emotionally triggered by the behavior of their horses.

As an equine-facilitated coach, I am able to deal with the psychological and emotional challenges that often unconsciously influence how you relate to your horse, whether you are an amateur or professional rider. I show you how to manage these challenges and provide you with simple tools, such as emotional intelligence. As you grow and develop, so can your horse. 

This unique mix of horsemanship with coaching elements will allow you to unleash the true potential of the relationship you have with your horse.

Frau mit Pferd
“Soooo schön, danke von Herzen. Ich war einfach nur glücklich und habe so viel gelernt und profitiert. Bin täglich am Umsetzten, es klappt super.”
“Dein Kurs hat mich im tiefsten Inneren berührt und heute bin ich auf meinem Pferdeweg wieder ein Stück weitergekommen. Ich danke Dir ganz herzlich für diesen tollen Tag und all Dein grosses Wissen, dass Du einfach so mit uns geteilt hast.”
“Mein jüngster Sohn Felix lernt mit den Pferden ohne Worte zu kommunizieren, nur durch Gedanken, Atmung und Körpersprache. Das hat unser Leben auf eine Weise bereichert, die nicht in Worte zu fassen ist. Es hat uns dankbar und bewusst gemacht, welchen Schwung wir mit den Pferden durch die natürliche, kompetente und intuitive Führung von Marina teilen.”