Magazine: A Voice for Horses
The Magazine for Conscious Horse Lovers

Why this Magazine?

I came up with the idea for this magazine because I wanted a magazine that focused on the horse-human relationship. It should appeal to riders - and that includes children and their parents - as well as horse lovers, people who may not have a horse of their own but would still like to learn more about themselves and these wonderful beings.

This magazine is dedicated to topics that take the relationship between horse and human to a new level - a level on which humans and horses can meet as equals and from where both can enjoy their journey together.

“If you are interested in horses or otherwise love horses, I wholeheartedly recommend this magazine! I can always benefit from the valuable content.” BK

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Bestellen & Inserieren

Dieses Magazin besteht aus 24 Seiten. Es erscheint 4 x jährlich (März, Juni, September und Dezember).

Jahresabo für 4 Print-Ausgaben CHF 24.00 
Jahresabo für 4 Online-Ausgaben CHF 12.00 

Bisherige Ausgaben nur digital erhältlich, CHF 3.00/Ausgabe

Jahresabo bestellenMediadaten 2025